In the vast expanse of Mira Prime, a young prodigy named Arcturus was touched by an enigmatic higher power, fueling his curiosity about the universe. However, his world was devastated by a dark invasion, resulting in the loss of his home and loved ones. During the invasion, he was blighted by the Spyte parasitic organism however Arcturus miraculously healed himself through a blend of science and spirituality. Driven by a thirst for knowledge, he embarked on a cosmic journey, encountering the wise Theora and embracing the interconnectedness of galaxies. Gifted with a celestial mask and wielding the Divine Restorer staff, Arcturus became a shamanic healer, dedicated to restoring his people and land through the harmony of wisdom and spirituality.
“MetaTravelers: Legendari” unveils an expansive new universe of characters with rich lore and interconnected storylines, crafted in collaboration with talented veterans from Marvel and DC Comics. This first edition includes a diverse collection of 14 figures, engineered by the renowned toymaker Four Horsemen Studios. Each figure stands 7 inches tall, features up to 29 points of articulation, and comes with various interchangeable parts and accessories, built for customization.
Product Features:
– 1/10 Scale
– Highly detailed
– Premium Articulation
– Soft and Hard Plastics
– Premium Soft goods
– Interchangeable Accessories
Box Contents:
– Arcturus Figure
– 4 Pairs of hands
– “Divine Restorer” Staff
– Softgood cape
– Hood
– Wrist guards
– Mask
– Softgood tunic
– Shin guards
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