Pokémon TCG Classics Box


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Produktnr: 0820650855689 Kategori:

Pokémon Trading Card Game Classic, developed in collaboration between The Pokémon Company, Creatures Inc. and design studio nendo, is a premium Pokémon Trading Card Game set designed to be a staple for any Pokémon Trading Card Game fan. Pokémon Trading Card Game Classic contains everything fans need to play the Pokémon trading card game, including pre-made decks and game accessories – all uniquely and thoughtfully designed to be both beautiful and functional, providing a polished and enhanced battle experience.
PLEASE NOTE: This high quality product is published in English only!

The Pokémon Trading Card Game Classic contains:
– 3 instantly playable decks of iconic cards (in English) from the history of the Pokémon Trading Card Game, such as Bisaflor, Glurak and Turtok from the base set, as well as brand new cards (the cards cannot be used for tournament play except for the base Energy Cards!).
– 1 high-quality game board with cloth surface, including a compartment for up to three decks
– 1 all-inclusive toolbox with game accessories (e.g. stackable aluminium damage tokens, three-dimensional poison and burn tokens)
– 3 sets of card sleeves with different Pokéball motifs
– 3 deck boxes, matching the pre-made decks

Dette produktet forventes det STOR etterspørsel etter, og det er IKKE garantert at vi kan klare å levere på alle (eller noen) bestillinger.  Bestillinger vil bli betjent i rekkefølgen de er mottatt.


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The Pokémon Company International

